Custom professional writing classes and workshops improve communication in your organization.

Workshops can be designed to provide


A more effective writing process.

Considering audience and purpose while writing improves overall effectiveness and can cut down on writing time.


Revision and editing techniques.

Giving employees concrete strategies for revision and editing can eliminate some of the back and forth on the review end.

Coaching on specific genres.

Identify the kinds of writing your employees do most and the workshop can focus on the conventions for those genres.


Style and grammar review.

Reviewing the basics of style and grammar can refresh employees’ memories and help them identify their common errors.


Custom classes might be best if you’re looking for

  • Expert, individualized feedback on employee writing.

  • Guidance through major projects.

  • Sustained attention to and practice with principles of effective writing.




Instruction Time

Based on your organization’s needs, I will recommend hours of instruction during which I am actively engaged with your employees, whether virtually (for the foreseeable future) or in person (once a vaccine is widely available).



Preparation Time

This includes planning, materials development, and (if relevant) time spent providing feedback. Based on your request, I will offer an estimate. You will have the option to lock-in an hour maximum.


Email me for more information or to schedule your free 30 minute consultation.